Your Guide to a ‘middle of the week’ Fourth of July

Your Guide to a ‘middle of the week’ Fourth of July

The Fourth of July drops in the middle of the week this year, which means, if you play your cards right, there are a couple extra vacation days packed in there somewhere. Now, we can’t help you navigate that, but what we can do is give you a little extra help around this awkwardly placed holiday-family-working-ish vacation week.

We’ve rounded up all the TV, movies, sports, music and “other” we could find. So bookmark this page, and prepare to be the last-minute-plan hero.

What to watch when you ate directly from the cheese block (which was meant for the burgers) and need to sit down for a while.

It happens to the best of us, but when it does, we’ve got exactly what your eyeballs need to bring you back from the brink of a cheesy faux pas.

TV Marathons

You can view the why these made the cut here.

Comedy Central – South Park


HGTV Beach Hunters

BBCA Planet Earth

CNBC Shark Tank

Blockbuster Movies

If you’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell a movie, then your go-to Fourth of July list can be found here — including how to introduce them casually into any “normal” conversation.

But if you’re in a hurry, look no further than these classic summer marathon treats.

Paramount NetworkIndiana Jones films

HBO Avatar –  

How to mentally prepare for the amount of BBQ you’re gonna (regretfully) put down.

Looks like you’re back on your feet (or you know better than to bite into a block of cheese in the first place). Way to rally! Up next, how to prepare to eat like a champion with an eating contest we still can believe is real. In fact, you can learn a little more about that here.

2018 Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest



When that family member takes “tossing the ball” too seriously and needs a timeout, just tell them “Oh, I think the _ are playing”.

It’s all fun and games until someone’s “I’m a little competitive” turns into “I’ve never lost and not about to start now.” Sometimes, the only way to calm those people down is to show them how the pros to it. And luckily, the Fourth of July has games on games. For the full rundown, go here. For those of you on the go, see the couple below.

American Ninja Warrior Marathon

NBC Sports Network:

“A Football Life” Marathon

NFL Network 

When your friend who only listens to dubstep walks away from the AUX, here’s how to get the party back on track:

And last, but certainly not least, if TV, movies, and all things competition doesn’t get you riled up for the Fourth of July, then there’s nothing like a good song to take you the rest of the way. Never fear, turn up the volume and close your eyes cause we’ve got the only Fourth of July playlist you need right here. And of course, what would any Fourth be without a little Star Spangled Hendrix.

Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July from all of us at DIRECTV INSIDER!

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