Donald Trump & Kamala Harris.


Comprehensive Presidential Election Coverage & More

Get the most popular national news channels & your locals included with every DIRECTV programming package so you can make sure you’re up to date on the latest presidential election news, current events & more.¹
1Local channels available in select areas. Device may need to be in billing region in order to view. Based on 2023 Nielsen ratings.

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*Available only in the U.S. (excl. Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Not all channels available to stream. Limited to up to 3 concurrent streams. Restr’s apply. Visit for more information. Some local channels not available in select markets. Device may need to be in billing region in order to view.

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*Available only in the U.S. (excl. Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Req’s compatible device and data connection; data charges may apply. Not all channels available to stream. Limited to up to 3 concurrent streams. Restr’s apply. Visit for more information.

National News Networks

With a variety of news networks available across DIRECTV packages, it's easy to stay up to date with breaking news headlines, current events, financial trends & more.

Live News & Your Favorite Streaming Services

No more switching inputs or swapping remotes to get your preferred news coverage. Now you can easily access top news shows across streaming apps like Max™, Prime Video, and more right from the DIRECTV guide.*

*Req's separate paid subscriptions for Netflix, Max, Prime Video (see for details) and other 3rd party apps. Restrictions apply. Internet-connected Gemini device required.

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Frequently asked questions

While they share the same name, FOX News Channel and your local FOX station are completely different entities, although they are both owned by FOX Corporation. Local FOX channels are affiliate channels that focus on local news and have their own anchors and show segments, while FOX News Channel is a nationally broadcast channel.

The three most popular cable news channels in the United States are CNN, FOX News Channel and MSNBC.

No! There are other ways to watch traditionally-cable news channels, with the most popular being accessing live TV channels via your internet connection.
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