Show Your House Lannister Pride!

Show Your House Lannister Pride!

Do you always pay your debts? Are you gold of hair and of purse? Team Lannister all the way?

Let it show!

Download a free wallpaper for your phone and desktop


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Desktop    |      Mobile

Let them hear you roar!

  • wine_tumbler.jpg
    • Every Lannister’s wine game is on point – show yours off with these tumblers (also available in black)

  • Gray-hero-zoom.png
    • Let the world know your best qualities with a phone case

  • Clear-hero-zoom.png
    • Or use this case to display a touch of your Lannister gold
  • Lannister-hero-zoom.png
    • Can’t commit to a case? Let them see your sigil with a pop socket

  • Tyrion-hero-zoom.png
    • Take it back to post-battle, pre-beard Tyrion

  • Tyrion-hero-zoom (1).png
    • Or live out your King Tyrion fantasies with the Imp on the throne

  • Cersei-hero-zoom.png
    • Bring a bit of Cersei with you everywhere – long live the Queen!

Buy online or in an AT&T store near you!

Let’s get social!




The final season premieres 4.14 – only on HBO

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