New Year’s Eve Guide to an Overly Dramatic Evening

We’re not sure how to digest 2022 coming to an end. The holidays snuck up faster than finding out who was floating in the water at The White Lotus. Time may be a thief but we won’t be robbed of the joy of ringing in the new year. There’s always pressure of having the best New Year’s Eve so DIRECTV is here to help your year end with a bang. We put together some ideas for being extra inspired by some of our favorite reality television shows. These four tips ensure your New Year’s Eve festivities will be the most dramatic yet, giving you proper storytelling fodder to last well into 2023. 

Reminisce about the top 10 Plays & Slays of the season

Curate a Meal to Remember

Make a reservation for the hottest spot in town, or shall we say, the most expensive. Order the thousand-dollar wine and one hundred-dollar truffle pasta dish. When the bill comes, ask everyone to split it evenly. Of course, they should all pay for your expensive tastes. After dinner, head for the after-party and always invite random people from the restaurant. We learned from Below Deck, the more strangers to show up the better. Just make sure to tip off the staff so they’re waiting with drinks on your arrival.


Finish Up With Something Sweet

If hosting at home, remember to cater to the needs of your guests. Find out which dessert your least liked family member loathes and bring a large platter especially for them. Who can forget the RHONY sprinkle cookie drama that started the whole feud between Teresa Giudice and sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga? We’re inspired by this ongoing tiff turned inside joke, so get that tin of dry cookies and catch up on all things The Real Housewives of New Jersey before the February premiere. 

Handpick Your Guest List

Do you have a cousin with a toxic ex who’s always trying to hook up with your friends? Maybe there’s a friend who reminds us of RHONY’s Harry Dubin, dating several friends within the same circle? Yes? Okay well then he is first on the list. A fight will begin organically in no time. 


Use Over the Top Décor

This is the time of year for glitz, glitter and extra decorations. There can never be too much. Decorate your home with huge sparkling centerpieces, streamers and glitter banners. A perfect tablescape is key to tie the room together so hostess with the mostest and RHONY star, Dorinda Medley shows Ciara Miller from Winter House an easy way to elevate candle votives when they stopped by the DIRECTV Studio. Dorinda proves she can always put together something nice. 

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