In late 2021, the world was introduced to Yellowjackets, a thrilling series chronicling the lives of the WHS Yellowjackets, a high school girl’s soccer team as they survive in the wilderness following a plane crash. The show also follows their lives as adults as they deal with the trauma of what happened to them. Every week, fans anxiously waited to see what would happen next until the season finale aired. Season two was announced before the first finished airing, fans have been waiting over a year to jump back into the lives of these characters. Season two premieres on March 26 on SHOWTIME. Here are five things to expect from Yellowjackets season 2.
The truth behind Taissa’s “sleepwalking”
Season One ended with the shocking revelation that adult Taissa (Tawny Cypress) murdered her family’s dog and kept his head as part of some sort of shrine featuring her son’s doll. We didn’t get an explanation behind this since the show cuts away from the shrine quickly, but it’s safe to say that it has to do with her strange sleepwalking, which also needs an explanation. Taissa first starts sleepwalking during the flashback scenes (played by Jasmin Brown) after the plane crash where we see her eating dirt in the woods and climbing into trees. Taissa claims that it’s caused by stress, but eating dirt and climbing trees seems a little bit more than stress. Season two will likely expound upon this plot point, and we may even see her kill someone while sleepwalking, something she fears doing in season one.
Mystery of the forest
Throughout season one of Yellowjackets, we see several instances where strange occurrences happen while the girls are stuck in the woods. Laura Lee’s (Jane Widdop) plane crashing, and Lottie (Courtney Eaton) speaking French fluently despite not knowing how are just a few of them. These seem like random occurrences, but nothing is ever random in this show. The forest obviously has some sort of effect on the Yellowjackets. It basically prevents them from ever finding a way out and causes them to do things they’ve never done before. A popular fan theory is that the forest requires blood sacrifices. We hear Lottie say at one point, “It wants blood. Rivers of it.” Could the “it” be the forest? The first scene of the show is a girl being hunted by the girls before she is eventually killed and drained of her blood in a sacrificial manner. This could also be the beginning of Lottie’s cult, but more on her later.
The Hunter’s identity
Currently, one of the biggest mysteries about the show is the identity of the bearded man found dead in the cabin’s attic. In the credits, he’s referred to as “The Hunter.” We see a glimpse of him during Jackie’s (Ella Purnell) dream, and he seems to be a middle-aged man. No one knows how he got to the cabin or how he died there. He also has a plane — the same one Laura Lee attempts to fly. What we do know is he arrived and died in the cabin before 1996 when the girls arrive there. Judging by how much his body has decomposed, he probably died there a few years prior. An easy answer would be he got stuck in the woods and just died in the cabin. But since this is Yellowjackets, the truth is probably way more sinister, and we’ll probably find out the truth in season two.
The investigation into Adam’s death
I think we all felt bad about what happened to Adam (Peter Gadiot). We spent the entire show thinking something was off with him. It turns out that not only were we, the audience, wrong, but Shauna was as well since she kills him in a fit of rage. Adam seemed pretty in love with Shauna, which makes his death all the more tragic. After Shauna (Melanie Lynskey) and the other Yellowjackets dispose of his body, a news report airs explaining that Adam is missing and that his family is looking for him. This investigation will certainly bring new characters and situations for the Yellowjackets to encounter. In season two, You have to wonder if anyone but the Yellowjackets will know that Adam is dead or if he’ll forever be a missing person.
Adult Lottie
Lottie Matthews is definitely the creepiest and most mysterious character on the show currently. She experiences visions, speaks French despite failing French class and starts a cult. During season one, she’s one of the few characters not to appear outside of the scenes set in the past. Only in the last episode do we get confirmation of her still being alive in the present. It turns out, she was involved with Travis’ murder because we find out she withdrew money from his account after he died. This information is delivered to us as we watch Natalie (Juliette Lewis) being kidnapped while investigating Travis’ death. It’s clear that the cult we briefly see her with in the forest evolved into something else, and in season two, it will be interesting to see what it’s become.
How to Watch ‘Yellowjackets’ Season 2
Watch season two of Yellowjackets starting on March 26 on SHOWTIME. Watch on DIRECTV when you subscribe to SHOWTIME with a premium package.
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