Watch Action Movies Online

Watch Action Movies Online

If you’re a fan of high-octane, must-watch action movies, DIRECTV is your destination. With hundreds of channels available, there’s no shortage of entertainment. From madcap martial arts films and superheroes to thrilling sci-fi space operas, DIRECTV’s full lineup of channels and premium networks give you a front seat to adventure. 

Best Action Movies to Watch on DIRECTV

When you’re seeking out good action movies to watch, the last thing you want to worry about is spending time finding the right kind of flick for your mood. Luckily, DIRECTV offers plenty of great action movies on-demand. Some of the best action films available on DIRECTV include the following crowd favorites and critically-acclaimed award winners. 

1. ‘The Dark Knight’ 

One of the most critically-acclaimed Batman adaptations, Christopher Nolan’s 2008 masterpiece stars Christian Bale as he battles against Gotham’s greatest foe, the Joker (Heath Ledger). With thrilling action, thought-provoking dialogue, and a gripping plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat, The Dark Knight is one of the best superhero movies of all time. 

2. ‘Blade Runner’ 

Harrison Ford stars as Deckard, a semi-retired police detective of the future whose job involves chasing down escaped robots who look and act like real humans. This Ridley Scott sci-fi masterpiece from 1982 combines mystery, action, romance and unforgettable aesthetics to create a cinematic experience you’ll never forget. Captivating performances from Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah, Sean Young and Edward James Olmos help cement the subdued, dark mood of this film’s portrayal of life in 2019. 

3. ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’

What action film list would be complete without the first installment of the Star Wars Skywalker Saga? Episode IV: A New Hope introduces viewers to the world(s) of Star Wars as young Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) embarks on the hero’s journey to save Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). With the help of Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Sir Alec Guinness), and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Luke joins the fight against Darth Vader (David Prowse/James Earl Jones) and the evil Empire. 

4. ‘Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark’ 

Harrison Ford stars as Indiana Jones, a whip-cracking (and whip-smart) adventurer and archaeologist in search of the legendary Ark of the Covenant. With the help of love interest Marion Ravenwood, Jones races against the Nazis — led by rival Dr. Rene Belloq and Gestapo agent Arnold Toht — to solve the mystery of the Ark’s location. Steven Spielberg directs this George Lucas-penned masterpiece of 80’s adventure cinema. 

5. ‘Jaws’ 

Featuring one of John Williams’s most iconic musical themes, Jaws stars Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw as they track down a great white shark responsible for the deaths of several people in the waters just off the New England coast. Steven Spielberg’s expert direction of this Peter Benchley adaptation features high tension and terror on the open ocean. Jaws is generally regarded by critics as one of the top action movies of all time. 

6. ‘Raging Bull’ 

In Martin Scorcese’s Raging Bull, Robert DeNiro stars as boxer Jake LaMotta, the Italian-American middleweight boxer whose rage, jealousy and appetite impacted his family relationships. Raging Bull is considered one of the greatest films ever made and was nominated for eight Academy Awards.  

7. ‘The Terminator’

Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as the titular T-800 Terminator in this 1984 science fiction masterpiece from James Cameron. Also starring Michael Biehn and Linda Hamilton, The Terminator tells the story of two men from the future who seek out waitress Sarah Connor. One man wants to protect her so that her son can lead the human resistance against the machines; the other is a cybernetic assassin sent to kill her. With tense set pieces, this action film combines horror and action in equal measure and is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. 

8. ‘E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial’

Another Steven Spielberg film, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial details the arrival of a friendly alien on Earth and the relationship he forges with Elliott, a young boy. E.T. is a beloved family classic that helped launch the careers of Henry Thomas and Drew Barrymore.  

9. ‘The Rock’ 

When former soldiers turned terrorists led by Ed Harris infiltrate the island prison of Alcatraz and threaten to launch chemical weapons at the United States, it’s up to Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery to stop them. The Rock, a 1996 Michael Bay-directed action thriller, features high-stakes action, suspense and a talented ensemble cast including David Morse, William Forsythe, Michael Biehn, Tony Todd and John C. McGinley. 

10. ‘Dances With Wolves’ 

Kevin Costner directs and stars in this 1991 historical epic that tells the story of John Dunbar (Costner) as he befriends a tribe of Native Americans in the American West. Known for its stunning cinematography, authentic costumes and compelling narrative, Dances With Wolves is an Academy Award-winning film that explores the plight of the Sioux in the aftermath of the American Civil War. 

Upcoming Action Movie Schedule on DIRECTV

If you’re ready to watch an action movie but don’t know what to watch, check out the program guide in your DIRECTV app or with your DIRECTV device. This feature shows upcoming action flicks available on all your favorite channels, including the following action-focused networks: 

How to Watch Action Movies Online

Watching the best action movies online is simple with DIRECTV STREAM. When you subscribe, you can bring your own smart TV or streaming device or add ours to your package.  

If you’re an action movie fanatic in search of something to watch online, DIRECTV offers the best streaming package choices for your budget. Call us today or choose your free trial online to get started. 

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