Premium service and entertainment for larger businesses
Bring your multi-location business to life with the best in entertainment.
Bring your multi-location business to life with the best in entertainment.
Elevated service, every step of the way
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ National Accounts entertainment packages are designed to support the unique demands of Fortune 500 companies, multi-unit operators or businesses with more than 25 locations. Enjoy one-on-one service, exclusive sports coverage and the simplicity of having one provider for all your locations.
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS is teaming up with the National Restaurant Association & National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation to launch Experience Restaurants. Join us as we strengthen the role of restaurants across America and provide opportunities for people from all backgrounds.
Business Class of Service: Giving our Customers the VIP Treatment
A hands-on VIP experience
Experts are always available to provide dedicated support and a single point of contact for all your account needs.
World-class entertainment solutions
Access the same high-quality video under the same custom program for all your locations nationwide.
Simplified operations
Streamlined program management reduces operational requirements and costs across all locations.
CALL 866.949.4504 TODAY
Take advantage of custom ads and merch, our Sports Bar Finder mobile app and Premium Sports Schedule
Grow your business with exclusive marketing tools at DIRECTVMVP.COM
Making it easy for you with simple tools and resources.
Quick and easy sports programming
The DIRECTV Sports Scheduler is an instrumental tool for searching and pre-scheduling all the sporting events your customers expect to watch.
Simple tips & tricks
Make the most of your DIRECTV system and optimize all available capabilities. These Tips & Tricks will help you save time and your staff can function efficiently.
Resources for troubleshooting
Save yourself and your staff the time and trouble of contacting Customer Service with this quick and simple troubleshooting video. While DIRECTV offers high quality equipment and 99.9% signal reliability, if you ever encounter an issue, this video offers easy to follow support.
DIRECTV’s positive impact
See how DIRECTV has made a difference in helping create the environment that draws in your customers. From providing marketing materials that help you advertise, to the customizable content that allows you to feature the games and events that your customers want, and so much more.
Contact a National Accounts Representative today
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS National Accounts entertainment packages are designed to support the unique demands of multi-location businesses. If you’re a Fortune 500 company, multi-unit operator, large footprint business or have more than 25 locations, then the DIRECTV National Accounts Program is perfect for you. Enjoy one-on-one service, exclusive sports coverage and the simplicity of having one provider for all your locations.
CALL 866.949.4504 TODAY And we’ll develop a custom solution for you