Watch DIRECTV channels and programs

Learn how to stream live channels, shows, and movies with the DIRECTV box.


Find live channels, shows, and movies



See available channels, along with show names and times. Customize your guide to make it your own. It’s all up to you!

  • Choose the channel icon to find programs for that network.
  • Exposed filters now allow you to select by: All, Recent, Favorites, Sports, Kids, Movies, and TV Shows.
  • Select Recent to view your most recently watched channels.
  • Select the heart next to the channel as a shortcut to favorite a channel. Tip: To unfavorite a channel, hold SELECT on the channel.
  • Choose Favorites to see a customized guide of your favorite channels.
  • Sort channels by the channel number or by alphabetical order, based on program viewing preference.
  • View program info at the top of the page under the title.

Watch now

Browse categories; and select a program to watch - right from the homepage. Here are some categories to try:

  • What’s on Now - Scroll through a list of live TV shows.
  • Trending - See recent shows people are talking about.
  • Featured TV Shows – Find some of the most popular shows.
  • New This Month - Check out the latest movies and episodes.

Tip: You can pause and rewind live TV for up to 60 minutes – available on DIRECTV accounts on the DIRECTV device, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad and Roku. (Amazon Fire TV coming soon).

My Library

It’s easy to find what you want to watch. View saved bookmarks and stored DVR recordings.

On Demand

Use the Movies, TV Shows, and Networks tabs to filter by type.


Have the DIRECTV device? It includes preloaded apps like NETFLIX, Prime Video, and more. But if you don’t see what you want, you can add your own. Choose from video, music, and gaming apps. Learn more.

The guide will also display an app icon so that you know you will be launching the app outside of the DIRECTV experience, when you select it.


Use your remote or the search bar to find a specific show, movie, network, actor, or keyword. If you have the DIRECTV remote, ask the Google Assistant to help find what you want.

Missing your favorite channels? Learn about alternative ways to watch your local channels or sports.

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  2. Channels, packages & programs
  3. Watch DIRECTV channels and programs