Having trouble with your DIRECTV Universal remote control? Try some helpful tips to fix it or order a replacement.
Run your fingers across each button to make sure none are stuck or pressed down.
To test your batteries, press and hold any button on your remote. If you see:
If your remote is not responding, changing channels or adjusting the volume, make sure you have direct line of sight to the receiver.. Next, make sure your remote is set to control your DIRECTV receiver:
If none of these options work, you may need to program your remote.
Go to your receiver and press the Guide button on the front panel. If it works, continue with the steps below. If not, make sure it’s powered on and troubleshoot your receiver.
The remote uses light to send the signal to the receiver. If anything blocks the receiver, it can affect how well the remote responds.
Your remote should now be paired and you can change to IR or RF.
If you’re still having trouble, order a remote control.
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