Watch your DVR playlist from any TV in your Whole-Home network

DIRECTV Whole-Home service lets you watch your DVR playlist from any TV connected to a receiver on your network. Learn how to set up and fix common issues.

Watch recorded shows from any TV in your network

Start sharing your playlist

  1. Press MENU on your remote.
  2. Go to Settings > Whole-Home.
  3. Select Yes next to Share Playlist.
  4. To set whether you want to allow your recorded shows to be deleted from any TV, select All rooms or This room only.
  5. Press EXIT on your remote. Your DVR playlist will now display on any TV in your network.
Heads up: Press LIST on your DIRECTV remote to access your DVR playlist.

Top DVR codes & messages

Learn about DVR codes and messages and why a program was cancelled or deleted

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